Osteopathy, Neck Pain, Origin Health, Elkstone, Cheltenham

Neck Pain

Neck pain is extremely common – most of us will suffer at least one episode of neck pain during our lifetime.

Osteopathy Suite, Origin Health, Cheltenham

What Causes Neck Pain?

Neck pain can come on quickly and resolve just as fast, without the need for any intervention.  

Unfortunately, sometimes a nerve in your neck may become trapped, compressed, or irritated, causing significant pain, headaches etc.  For example, a nerve can be caught when one or more discs between the bones of your neck narrows through age, wear and tear.

Other causes of neck pain include a traumatic event such as a road traffic collision or a sporting injury.

Or it may come on gradually, perhaps linked to poor posture – including staring down at your phone or laptop.

The pain may be on either or both sides of the neck, at the base of your skull and down into your shoulders. It may be sharp, dull or numb, and may radiate to other areas, such as the arm or head.

If the pain does not improve or gets worse over a couple of days, then you should seek professional advice.

Can a Neck Problem Cause Headaches?

There are certain headaches which have been linked to neck injuries and tension.

Cervicogenic headaches, for example, can be caused by cervical spine issues (e.g. arthritis), tension within the soft tissues of the neck and possibly wear of the discs in the neck, a condition known as cervical spondylosis.

This kind of headache is often associated with reduced movement in the neck, and pain with certain movement, or when pressure is applied to certain areas on your neck.

The headaches may be on one side and can radiate from the neck/back of the head up to the front of the head or behind the eye.  You may or may not also have neck pain.

Sports Massage Neck Pain, Origin Health, Cheltenham
Osteopathy, Neck Pain, Origin Health, Elkstone, Cheltenham

How Do You Treat Neck Pain?

Our osteopaths will assess and diagnose the cause of your pain before recommending a treatment plan.

If we feel there may be another underlying issue that won’t be helped by osteopathic treatment, we will refer you to a doctor or another medical professional.

Principal Osteopath:
Initial Consultation: £65
Follow-up Consultation: £60

Initial Consultation: £55
Follow-up Consultation: £50

View our Services & Treatments

Private GP/Consultant Service, Origin Health, Cheltenham

Private GP/Consultant Service

Osteopathy aims to improve the function of the body and reduce pain using a variety of evidence-based techniques including soft tissue massage, gentle-focused manipulation and rehabilitation advice.

Great for:

General Health
Musculoskeletal injuries
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Osteopathy, Origin Health, Cheltenham


Osteopathy aims to improve the function of the body and reduce pain using a variety of evidence-based techniques including soft tissue massage, gentle-focused manipulation and rehabilitation advice.

Great for:

Low back pain & Sciatica | Neck & Shoulder pain | Knee pain | Foot & ankle pain | Jaw pain | Elbow pain
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Pelvic Girdle Pain, Origin Health, Cheltenham, Cirencester

Mummy MOT

The Mummy MOT is a top-to-toe postnatal check-up performed by our specialist women’s health Osteopath, Beth Gilks.

Great for:

Pelvic Girdle Pain
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Osteopathy, Knee Pain, Origin Health, Elkstone, Cheltenham


Physiotherapists help people affected by injury or illness by using a variety of techniques such as movement and exercise, manual hands-on therapy, education and advice.

Great for:

Low back pain & Sciatica | Neck & Shoulder pain | Knee pain | Foot & ankle pain | Jaw pain | Elbow pain | Sports Injuries
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Shoulder treatment, Sports Massage, Origin Health, Cheltenham

Sports Therapy & Sports Massage

Sports therapists are experts in musculoskeletal disorders, treating pain and injury through hands-on techniques and rehabilitation. Sports massage works on deeper tissues than therapeutic massage and is highly effective at both treating and preventing injuries.

Great for:

Promotes healing  | Faster recovery  | Enhances endurance  | Increases flexibility  | Injury prevention 
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Shockwave Therapy, Origin Health, Cheltenham

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that uses an acoustic wave to carry high levels of energy to painful spots and musculoskeletal tissues suffering from a range of injuries and other conditions.

Great for:

Tendon problems | Frozen shoulder  | Calcified tendons  | Shin splints  | Hip pain  | Plantar fasciitis  | Osteoarthritis 
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Dry Needling at Origin Health

Dry Needling

Dry needling stimulates the body’s healing process by targeting trigger points that have been activated in response to pain, causing surrounding muscles to tighten.

Great for:

Relaxation | Reduces stress and tension | Reduces pain | Injury recovery
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Massage, Origin Health, Cheltenham

Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage treatment uses less pressure than a sports massage and is a combination of relaxation massage and remedial massage.

Great for:

Relaxation | Reduces stress and tension | Reduces pain | Injury recovery
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kinesology taping by therapists at Origin Health

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping is a highly successful technique used by our expert therapists to help support the body’s own healing process. 

Great for:

Joint, muscle & ligament support | Tennis & golfer’s elbow | Shoulder injuries | Bursitis | Postural issues | Lower back pain
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Becca Meadows, nutritional therapy, origin health,

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is the use of foods, diets, fasting, supplements, functional foods and dietary counselling, assessment and support to help people reach their health goals. 

Great for:

Better sleep | Relieve joint pain | Relief for muscle soreness | Recovery | Relaxation | Improves circulation
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Reflexology, Origin Health, Cheltenham


Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, non-invasive treatment, applying pressure to areas on the feet (or the hands), which heals at a physical and emotional level.

Great for:

Stress | Anxiety | Pain | Fatigue | Nerve stimulation

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Our Cotswolds location is open:

Monday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am-8:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am-2:00pm

Damson Barn Units 1-2,
Elkstone Studios,
GL53 9PQ